Saturday, January 06, 2007


I found new music to exersize to! Yea, you know I need energetic music to get my body moving. We'll I've found some new stuff!Creepy delivers high octane punk music with a hard rock, pop edge.

They are an extemeely tigh sounding punk sound with a hard rock edge to it which in my opinion makes it more listenable. The guitar work is sound, and vocals surprisingly good.

It might be the genre but after 4 songs the punk music can start to all sound the same and Creepy's music can fall into that trap, but the music is high quality nonetheless.

I like this band. They are good. I think it's their energy, more than the average punk band and they give me enough hard rock and even pop roots to it to make me want more.
Get to their site and try their stuff out!


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