National Affiliation Social Marketing
ALERT: Are you getting paid each month for time spent social networking online? If not, please keep reading.
Do you use any of these top social networking sites?
Facebook? YouTube? Myspace? Twitter? Bebo? Squidoo? Linked In?
Then you’re building their businesses and missing out on your CUT of the profits!
Start making money while social networking as a National Affiliate of Social Networking!
Our members are earning each and every month by doing exactly what they do every day on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace and the many other popular social networking sites. If you are not living EXACTLY How you want to right now the join the National Affiliation of Social Networkers and immediately start earning income as an affiliate.
Imagine social networking each day on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Linked in and Youtube, meeting new people and getting paid for it. Social network as much as you want and make money as a social netowork affiliate. Yes, literally social networking for a living. It's possible, we're doing it and it is a great life.
Let's face it, social networking is not only the rage but it is a new way of life. It has changed the way people communicate, it is the new way we live. But up to this point the only people making any money were the founders of these social networking websites. "We the people" have had to be content twittering people telling them when we are brushing our teeth. Nothing wrong with that, however now, you can earn income while you are brushing your teeth too!
NASN is a membership site that harnesses the power of social networks to enable people like you to create income for yourself, your family and your friends. It is time we all realized that social networking is more powerful than a simple twitter post or youtube video.
Finally NASN creates the opportunity for all of us to earn income online from simply social networking.
The NASN takes social networking to a new level. Our sites gives the power of social networking back to the people.
Think about it. Is the extent of social networking really so that you can tell people about what you are having for lunch? or what your plans are this evening? Sure, these things are fun. But social networking is bigger than that. It can and should be a means to create a better life for yourself. Social networking has already revolutionized how we communicate with each other. NASN finally has enabled the people to create income from this same popularity for YOU.
“Invite your friends to a party and make money!”
Social networking is like one big party. Only one thing has been missing, making money while doing it...
...Until now
A membership site with one goal in mind, to enable you to make money, perhaps lots of it from your social networking activities. We call it the "Social Networking lifestyle".
“Call it Social networking meets affiliate marketing. Invite people to a party and make money.”
As a National social network affiliate you can invite other social networkers to become members of our the National affiliation of social networking and make money every month.The National Affiliation of Social Networkers has created a monetization model (fancy term for making money) for everyday people create income doing what they love, social networking.
As an affiliate you can make money by sharing the affiliate membership. A model of sharing that in inherently built into what you do each day social networking. Your NASN membership is a powerful product that enables you to earn $10 a month each and every month for every social networker that becomes an affiliate from your link. This is called recurring income and it is a powerful way to make money. Think about the income potential over time from being an affiliate. It is staggering.
Many people can make a full time income from just their Facebook friends. There are other who share the membership on numerous social networking sites. Imaging what you can do if you expand to other social networking sites. Again, staggering.
Every time another social networker clicks on your affiliate link and becomes a member you make $10.00 EVERY month without lifting a finger. (read this over a few times until it really sinks in).
“The National Affiliation Membership content”
Sure everyone wants to make money by social networking, who wouldn't....but what exactly are you and everyone else getting for their membership fee? Great question, and we're glad you asked!
As a member of our afiitate membership site you will learn new and cutting edge secrets to optimize your social network experience and transform your life. Like we said earlier, social networking is more than telling others you are going to the movies for the evening. As a member you will learn how to access information while social networking to get what you really want in your life.
Want to get discovered perhaps even famous, inside the members area we will show you how from doing the right things on the right social network sites.
Want to find the right job, that fits your passion and also makes you a lot of money? How to get there is inside the members area!
Each month you'll learn secrets that you can use to your advantage:
Emerging social networks that you can join and to expand your sphere of influence.
Foolproof and proven tactics and strategies to earn income social networking.
Newest social networking apps to have fun with and to enhance your life and goals.
Newest trends in Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Bebo, actually all of them.
How to utilize Facebook to never work another day in your life. (yep, it's in the members area).
Learn about Software that enables you to market and promote yourself on hundreds of social networking sites with the touch of a button. (By the way, if you have heard of some of these software, there is only one that really works. We'll prove it to you).
Find out about a little known video sharing site that literally guarantees 10,000 views of your video and then pays you for these views. (By the way, this is just the tip of the iceberg; more of these sites are popping up each month)!
4 of the most Innovative ways to promote your webisode on Youtube. It is hardly ever done and we can’t believe no one knows about this except for our members!
How to get a big name social network to "pick you up" to sponsor & advertise your Webisode. Do this right and you are off to the races.
Learn about “video and social networking scouts” who literally troll Youtube and other social network sites looking for the most innovative videos and people worthy of promotion. Who they are, how to contact them and what they are looking for! (you could pay me the cost of the entire membership for this one area and thank me all the way to the bank).
All National Affiliation Social Networking Members Receive:
Complete training materials
New free tools & info every month
Access to exclusive tactics
Video tutorials Exclusive offers, and Lots more...
“Sign up your friends now or sign up underneath them later”
The National Affiliation Social Networking is quickly gaining momemtun and going viral. Why? Let's face it, the majority of social networkers are not doing it to make money. We get that. But here enlies the secret....the vast majority of social networkers are wildly excited to make money while they social network. So people are joining as members because of our passive sharing model. 350 million plus people would love to make money in the background as an affiliate while they Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace exactly as they are doing today! That is why the response to our membership site has been so great.
Please note: you have not read the word "sell" anywhere. Your success has nothing to do with selling anything.
It's all about the passive sharing model. Invite someone to our social networking party and make money! Finally NASN creates the opportunity for all of us to earn income online from simply social networking. Your NASN membership and affiliation will take your social networking to a new level and change your life. Our site gives the power of social networking back to the people.
“Ready to change your life in 2010? Join NASN now! and start living the Social Networking Lifestyle”
We look forward to having you come aboard as a member! Join today and start getting all of your affiliation membership benefits and start earning social networking income today! Start living the social networking lifestyle!
Grab Your Membership Now For
Only $19.95 a Month
Secure PaymentsMade Through PayPal
Our 100% iron clad gauantee:
Of course you have our unconditional guarantee if you are not fully BLOWN AWAY by what you'll find in our members area just cancel at any time! That is how sure we are that you will feel that you are literally stealing this information from us with your membership. You have absolutely NO RISK in signing up as a member!
In fact, If you don't feel that I fully OVERDELIVERED in our member content area, then I implore you to please cancel! I spent an entire year in preparation to overdeliver, so If you don't agree then we should part ways. That's how good our content is and how certain I am that it will blow your social networking mind away!
Please sign up for our free newsletter too. We'll keep you updated on everything you need to know about NASN and also send you a "social networking tip of the week"!
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Saturday, January 09, 2010
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